So Lila is sick. AGAIN. She doesn’t even go to daycare, yet this is like cold #4 since October. Sighhhh. I hope no one wants to come over soon, the house is covered in a thin layer of slime these days, lol. Ewww, I know.

I don’t have too much new to report on these days. Lila’s favorite things right now are Mickey Mouse Clubhouse (which we’re watching a lot of today…since we’re not napping, and hating everything except Mickey) and clapping–if she hears people clapping on tv, she’ll stop whatever she’s doing and join in.

I haven’t done my photo of the week for my project yet, but I will link here when I do.

I’m going to keep this post short and sweet, she’s awake and bellowing to be rescued from her Evil Crib. But I’ll leave you with these adorable pics I took last week. Some of you may have already seen one on Facebook, but the others are never-before-seen! Exciting, I know.

Happy Tuesday!

(totally not amused by me using her to test out my new photography props, but check out the pointed toe, haha)

And my favorite: